
AFSC 2F0X1, Fuels EPR Bullets

See also: Fuels Management Awards & Decorations


- Accomplishes source documentation for 100% product accountability through automated data collection system
- Aids the Fuels Service Center w/conducting random anti-terrorism measures, security checks, and guides flight line ops

- Certifies 100% accuracy of $47M in fuel sales annually IAW Defense Logistics Agency-Energy's policy & procedures
- Charged w/section upgrade training & rotational coverage f/initial/reoccuring requirements IAW CFETP/local guidance
- Compiles/tracks fuel/cryogenic inventory/equipment data, submits Bulk Petroleum Contingency Reporting data
- Complies w/stringent federal, state, & USAF safety, quality control, security, technical data, & env directives
- Conducts fuel acctng procedures, submits fuel and cryogenic transactions to Defense Logistics Agency-Energy
- Conducts security checks & assists FSC w/RAM execution to protect $102M facilities, $2M equipment, & 82 TFI prsnl
- Conducts security checks and assists FSC w/RAM execution to protect 62 prsnl and facilities/equipment valued $102M
- Conducts security checks and assists FSC w/RAM execution to safeguard PL-4 facilities, $2M equipment, and 62 prsnl
- Conducts security checks and assists FSC with RAMs to safeguard $57M facilities and $31M refueling equipment assets
- Conducts security checks and assists the Fuels Service Center w/RAM execution to protect $102M fuel facilities/62 mbrs
- Conducts security checks and executes RAMs to safeguard $102M PL-4 refueling infrastructure and 10 refueling units
- Conducts spot check inspections on 125 pers, 11 workcenters and 229 fueling assets and facilities worth $69M
- Coordinates 24/7 fuel requests f/scheduling & spt of 20 B-2, 27 A-10, 10 UH-60 & 14 T-38 home station/transient acft
- Coordinates insps & mx; sustains $54M Type V hydrant facility/14 in-shelter refueling points to power AF's sole B-2 wg
- Coordinates quality control analysis f/6K gals cryogenic storage & fuel spt equipment valued at $102M w/3.7M gal cap
- Coordinates w/RCC, fuels lab, maint and other units; ensures fuels requirements are met within time limits

- Deployed to 386th Air Expeditionary Wg/183 day; operates fuel resupply & combat msns to posture spt throughout AOR
- Directs hydrant ops, liaises w/FSC to support 24/7 refueling msn f/509/131 BW/442 FW/1-135th BN & transient acft
- Directs spt f/airfield fuel ops; assures quality control/documentation of assigned assets valued at $102M f/84 TFI prsnl
- Documents testing frequencies and results in Fuels Manager Defense prgm; reports any negative trend analysis

- Enforces sq procedures w/locally developed forms/publications/instructions/checklists and validates sources f/accuracy
- Ensures effective utilization of 78 assigned personnel, 15 refueling units and resources for 31 FW msn support
- Ensures fuel ops are safely performed to sustain 47 multiservice units across Eglin's diverse 724-sq mile range
- Establishes file plans f/FMT to manage $47M fuels account IAW Defense Logistics Agency-Energy and DoD policies
- Establishes sampling, testing and frequency requirements utilizing all 42 series TOs and military standards
- Evaluates processes on equip and facilities to ensure safe fuel and cryogenic support for 72 base assigned acft
- Exercises positive control and technical expertise over all fuels facilities, equipment and flight line operations
- Expedites flight line operations; reports progress to FSC and coordinates schedule changes to meet mission requirements

- Familiarizes 2F0 fuels operators w/airfield safety, acft parking ramps, taxiways and acft control tower warning signals
- Familiarizes newly assigned personnel, documents trainee qualification progress and administers flight line orientation
- Familiarizes newly assigned prsnl, updates trainee qualification progress in TBA and administers flight line orientation
- Formulates command policies, regulations and procedures, enhances proficiency training for 225 2F personnel

- Governs fuels TMDE acct valued at $140K; equipment directly spt's 3 flying wgs & Army ANG rescue detachment msns

- Initiates emergency action procedures f/Ex & real-world notification; operates as sq's alternate UCC spt'g WAFB's CAT
- Inspects & operates cmd's sole $54M Type V hydrant facility; sustains 20 refueling points to support 24/7 B-2 operations
- Inspects and operates modified Type V fuels hydrant system to complete both B-2 in-shelter and hot refuel operations
- Inspects, maintains, and operates R-11, R-12 and C-300 mobile refueling vehicles to dispense aviation & ground fuels

- Leads fuels distribution operations ISO 20 B-2s, 27 A-10s, 14 T-28s, 10 H-60 acft f/3 USAF Wgs & 1 Army rescue BN
- Leads the preventative mx team to perform daily inspections and correct discrepancies on 10 special purpose vehicles

- Maintains and operates Base Service Station; prepares/maintains inventory forms ensuring fuel accountability
- Maintains and operates fuels mobility support equipment to safely receive fuel; coordinates fuel system repairs
- Maintains controlled items f/accountability/FOD prevention; secures classified info processing & storage f/10 base flts
- Maintains JP8/ground fuel inventories, monitors equipment/facility status using Fuels Manager Defense prgm
- Maintains/operates base service station; updates inventory database/ensures complete accountability of product
- Manages cmd's 2F personnel, facilities, and equipment involving receipt/issue of 141M+ gals of fuel annually
- Manages Flight's PL-4 refueling veh fleet; executes daily 84 point insps on 10 mobile assets to sustain B-2 msn rqmts
- Manages Flt's UMD and UMPR to ensure prsnl assigned align w/positions authorized to sustain the AF's sole B-2 wg ops
- Monitors fuel receipts and transfer ops; ensures compliance and safety w/local, state, and federal environmental policies

- Operates as mobile refueling vehicle operator spt'g fuel requests f/20 B-2, 27 A-10, 10 H-60 & 14 T-38 home station acft
- Operates assigned fuel storage systems to safely and efficiently receive, store, transfer and issue bulk fuels
- Operates bulk storage petroleum systems to safely and efficiently receive, store, transfer and issue aviation fuel
- Operates fuel dispensing eqpt/facilities spt'g 20 B-2s, 27 A-10s, 10 UH-60s, & 14 T-38s home station/transient acft ops
- Oversees caution tag prgm; notifies leadership/affected sections when discrepancies warrant caution tag issue
- Oversees efficient operation of refueling equipment worth $9M ensuring support to 37K fuel requests a year
- Oversees/executes command-wide fuels FY MILCON projection cycle and prioritizes/validates funding rqmts

- Performs daily, weekly and monthly operator inspections IAW current directives and system technical orders
- Performs QC on all fuel/cryogenic systems, storage tanks, trucks, mobility equipment and commercial receipts
- Performs safe and efficient fuel servicing of 3 TFI wg's 20 B-2, 27 A-10, 14 T-38, transient acft and ground fuel rqmnts
- Performs safe and efficient fuel servicings; supporting 3 TFI wgs, 20 B-2s/27 A-10s/14 T-38s/10 H-60 and transient acft
- Performs shift supervisor duties; coords w/FSC to meet 24/7 fuel rqmnts f/3 TFI wgs, 20 B-2s, 27 A-10s, and 14 T-38s
- Performs/monitors quality control during commercial receipt, storage and issue of liquid oxygen/liquid nitrogen
- Plans and coordinates 24/7 fuel requests sustaining 20 B-2s, 27 A-10s, 10 UH-60s, 14 T-38s, and transient acft fuel rqmts
- Prepares 400 gal cryotainer/support equipment for surface and air shipment to meet all mobility requirements
- Prepares required forms for sale, receipts, inventory accountability of Defense Working Capital Fund reimbursements

- Regulates stock inventory of 4 products, maintains fuel & cryogenic WRM levels ensuring USSTRATCOM OPLAN spt
- Responsible f/safe & efficient fuel servicing of 20 B-2, 27 A-10, 14 T-38 home station/transient acft ISO 3 wg's msn ops
- Responsible for the safe issue of JP-8 to 171 assigned aircraft and 300+ USAFWC exercise aircraft annually
- Reviews daily acft flying schedules; ensures adequate resources/personnel available for mission requirements
- Reviews/validates DOC statements; manages UTC availability/ART/SORTS reporting for XXXXX personnel

- Supervises bay orderly; ensures accountability of resources/maintains dormitory standards for 295K sq ft living facility
- Supports 3 TFI wg's flying msns; performs safe & efficient fuel servicing of 20 B-2s, 27 A-10s, 14 T-38s & transient acft

- Tracks and processes evaluations, decoration suspenses, formal correspondence and admin rqmnts f/64 assigned prsnl
- Trains newly assigned prsnl on 33 workcenter core task, annotates training records & administers flight line orientation


- "Outstanding" '12 LCAP--AFMC 1st ever for LRS Sq! 11 areas/178 cklst items reviewed--one finding noted!
- "Yr of the CCAF" mentor; rcvd advanced level ldrshp CCAF Pro Mgr Cert--guided 2 SNCO's to receive cert
- #1 of 22! Outperformed peers; trucked 862K gals Jet-A to 620 acft/gen'd 6K sorties--seized CY '20 Pumper of the Year
- #1/56 Sq SNCO's; mng'd cmds 2d largest acct/125 mbrs/23M gals/229 assets worth $119M--Wg '11 SNCOY
- 673 ABW Tank Custodian Trainer; highlighted inspections/fuels inventory procedures--26 custodians trained
- 96 MSG UCC team lead; charged to provide Grp-lvl C2 during contingency/exer ops--poised to spt emer ops

- Accomplished flt physiological trng; granted ABFDS SEI--first time in two yrs flight 100% UTC msn capable
- Accomplished service station download/closeout; 627 ground fuel transactions--$40K acc't billed correctly
- Accurately completed/reviewed 511 fuels billing transactions--efforts key to reconciling $36M DoD fuels acct
- Acquired 36 monitors/phones via DRMS; furnished new bldg w/required C2 equip--saved $9K in O&M funds

- Aided DLA tech spt w/annual mx testing; 18 ATG systems calibrated--validated inventory mgt/acct procedures
- Aided LRS prep for Nov 10 HQ PACAF LCAP; earned 93.8% PASS rating-- Best rating in PACAF in two yrs
- Aided w/96 R-11 runs/129K gals JP-8 ISO TX wildfire effort; 74 sorties/70 air drops--993K acres quenched
- Alerted AFPET on new R-12 refueler design flaw; forced manufacturer corrective action--effect felt AF-wide

- Aligned contingent flying schedule w/POL assets; 1.1K s-tns cargo/1.6K pax moved; fortified NATO surge ops
- Aligned flying schedule w/POL assets; XXK short tons cargo/XXK pax moved; fortified NATO surge ops
- Analyzed "Class C" fuel leak; injected structural channels <3 hrs--acft met crit trng sortie/landed "Code 1", no leaks
- Analyzed aerial refueling PRD; ID'd/R2'd failed signal amplifier--avoided receptacle change/saved $52K/12 man hrs

- Assisted fuels accounting validation process; inspected 120 daily folders--verified accuracy of 2K documents
- Assisted in delivering over 75K gals of JPTS-supported five temporarily assigned U-2's-Zero Delays
- Assisted sheet metal w/3 UHF antenna fixes; completed cell rollbacks/2 hrs before ETIC--nixed depot field tm TDYs
- Assisted w/storage re-org; inv 500 spares/relocated ops building/disposed of 8K lbs equip--lauded by AFPET

- Attended Cryogenic Maintenance School; earned 95% on class EOC--fulfilled UTC deployment requirement
- Augmented distribution; enabled issue of 22M gls JP8 to 6K US/Coalition a/c; zero OIF/OEF/HOA msn delays
- Augmented fuels ops during 34% shortage due to AEF cycle--selected as Aug flight "Performer of the Month"
- Augmented section's vehicle prgm; implemented fixes to 3 turn-in inspection defects--enabled flt's 92% QA pass rate

- Augmnt'd 31 FSS during contingency dorm construction; moved 300 beds--expdt'd beddown of 1.6K personnel
- Authored 12 monthly/4 quarterly reports; provided key metrics to Sq/CC & PACAF A4--Sr leaders informed
- Authored 1st asset deployment checklist; streamlined vehicle processing procedures--enabled 100% readiness
- Authored 5 monthly/2 quarterly reports; provided comprehensive metrics to PACAF/CC--Sr leaders informed

- Authored F-35/18 hot refueling trng plan; led site cert/phase training prgm--reduced acft turn time by 60 mins
- Automated Okaloosa Island A-15 SSTA; enabled download of remote test site--saved 1.4K+ man hrs annually

- Backed SecAF EMP prgm; teamed w/AFCO/AFPA to develop $13M ATJ fuel tests--1st aerial msn successful
- Bolstered 7 BW flying hr pgm; performed a warm seat refuel/14K gals fuel--decreas'd a/c ground time by 50%
- Bolstered procedural guidance for blivet ops; emended checklist/continuity book--reduced hazards/man hrs by 70%
- BTF hot refuel tm mbr; executed 2 ops/2 locations/issued 10K gals Jet-A--locked spt agreements w/2 European Nations

- Built SSSP for 19 tanks/5.7M gals of fuel; enhanced safety/safeguarded $23M in product--aced six EPA insps

- Calculated API specific gravity on aviation fuel inventory; validated $17M fuel acc't--flawless EOY closeout
- Chaired Iraq Class III Working Gp; developed $470M fuel spt rqmts for 8 aerial ports--poised DoS transition
- Championed 10 SR&M project upgrades; managed $8.3M worth of funding--10-year API service life certified
- Chief POL planner AAFB Hurricane Irene evac; secured 12 DHS alert acft/22K gals JP-8--26 hrs overtime spt

- Choreographed hot refueling ops; iss'd 1.3M gals of JP-8; generated 578 sorties--cemented combat readiness
- CMD POL readiness SME; researched/P-coded 5 Wg's POL assets; assured 6 CCDR Bomber logistics rqmts
- Cmd'd fuel ops for POTUS; instructed delivery of 56K JP-8 gals to 14 spt acft--South America visit a success
- Cmd'd fuels ONE tm; rectified 3 red balls/drove gen of 12 acft--nixed lapse in weekend spt/POTUS airspace secured

- Cmd'd tank integrity test tm; ver'd serviceability of 3 fuel cells <12 hrs--returned $60K in assets to supply inventory
- Cmpltd 143 hr Log-R SNCO crse; broadened enterprise view of logistics mgt ops--groomed for Sq Supt duties
- Coached PM's semiannual Vehicle Mgmt insp; prepared $6M refueling fleet--earned two "Outstanding" ratings
- Collected/submitted 9 JP8/Diesel samples to area lab--provided 31FW 2,500+ mbrs w/sustained fuel quality

- Comp'd HAZMAT training; monitors five waste streams--compliant w/local European/AF environmental stds
- Compl'd ITARS/SMS crse--reduced AOR deliveries 36 hrs; 8 hr DLA tank trng--upheld SECDEF Energy Act
- Completed SE course on AF's "state of the art" FORCE; gained expertise to manage $2.3M mobile fuel system
- Conduct'd Estonian POL joint training; taught 250 force multipliers--Joint Service/Joint Partner program strengthen'd

- Conducted daily inspection of 18 refuelers; 202 items checked--critical wg assets/$3.6M cleared safe for use
- Conducted daily inspections/maint on eight fixed fuel systems; made on-the-spot repairs--led to 98% MC rate
- Conquered faulty R-11 tortion bar assemblies; safeguarded $825K of assets--averted potential equip mishaps
- Controlled AOR's cryo resupply; deployed 594 LOX/LIN tanks/238K gals--sustained jnt flying ops at 10 FOLs

- Controlled OPEN SKIES ops; 23K gals JP-8 iss'd to 4 OC-135 acft--solidified NATO aerial surveillance msn
- Coord'd 2K gals fuel issued to TACP; spt'd 440 trng hrs/160 students--resulted in 188 cmbt trng obj completed
- Coord'd annual review of Flt OIs/71 chklsts; streamlined procedures--guaranteed safe ops for 11 workcenters
- Coord'd delivery of 53K gals grnd fuels; 900 facilities/2K vehicles spt'd--vital to Sq '12 NDTA/Gerrity Awds

- Coord'd w/five wgs & AFPC supporting COCOM rqmts--averted two reclamas/verified 58 wartime taskings
- Correlated LOX purity with area lab; obtained/shipped 90 day sample--validated 99.5% AF purity mandate
- Crafted Flt's tool control trng prgm; boosted 127 mbrs grasp of FOD prevention--7.5K tool inventory secured
- Crafted fuels strategy for $9M THAAD missile FCO test; est'd safe trans/storage rqmnt--SECDEF's #4 priority

- Created procedure to filter JP-8 bladder bottoms; returned 170K gals fuel into inventory--saved DLA $515K
- Critical player during Ex HECTIC ROLLER '19; key in 75K gal fuel mvmt to 10 B-2's--ensured 509 BW 24/7 readiness
- Crushed ASAB Lox LIMFAC;sped 2x tks/800 gal <12 hrs/averted wg fly shutdown--sav's 250 cmbt msns/1k fly hrs
- Cultivated foreign relations; coord'd w/Qatari gov/Customs/HNCC--rcvd 18K gal AVGAS/bolstered OIR/ISR msns

- Deactivated 2 bladder farms/2.7 mi pipeline; 24-200K bladders/liners removed--achieved 100% enduring ops
- Dedicated 50 vol hrs; enriched 509 BW CoC/fundraisers/parades/sports ceremonies--raised $6.5K f/LRS holiday party
- Dedicated! Iss'd 57K gls JP-8 to 52 a/c in 22 days; garnered coveted "Pumper of the month" award for Nov 10
- Delivered 4K gals of synthetic jet fuel; 1st C-130J test flt--validated alternative fuel IAW Presidential mandate

- Demonstrated excellent job knowledge/proficiency during 16 no-notice spot checks--zero discrepancies noted
- Deployed 127 cryotainers/50.8K gals LOX/LIN; AFCENT's sole cryo source--spt'd OEF/CTJF-HoA/17 FOB's
- Deployed 38 PAX/3 AFCENT/3 short notice; guided AEF warrior out processing--99% no discrepancy rate
- Deployed in spt of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM; guarded 2.2K coalition forces/$1.5B AOR msn assets

- Deployed ISO OIR; crushed 536 mx actions/nixed 189 discrepancies--pivotal to 4.5K cmbt msns/500+ muns released
- Deployed to 386 AEW ISO OIF/OEF/JTF HoA; recv'd 17M gls JP8; enabled 301K pax/19K tons cargo mvmt
- Deployed to 386th Air Expeditionary Wg/183 day; operates fuel resupply & combat msns to posture spt throughout AOR
- Designed AEF/SORTS reporting tool; captured real time data/cut errors--UTC tracking spiked/unit benchmark

- Developed draw down plan for 3.6M gals of JP-8/four tanks; met FDEP rqmt--saved $44K+ in contractor fees
- Developed ITK accounting/tracking sys; 715 tools/$14K inventoried--prgm compliant w/new Wg FOD rqmts
- Developed work center; trained three Amn on coalesce service--ensured vital fuel cleanliness/36M gal issued
- Devised R-11 park plan; mitigated Wg $9M sequestration hit--cut fleet 30%...spt'd ops despite 26% sortie incr

- Devoted six hours ISO of wg's Airmans Attic; expedited move from A1 to A2--spt'd 2.5K jr enlisted members
- Devoutly spt'd AAS, AB; 50% of POL flight formed up ISO LRS/MSG/Wg change of command ceremonies
- Dictated fuel spt for Patriot Missile test; ensured 1K gals of JP-8 issued--IOC met prior to UAE wpns delivery
- Direct'd review of 30 lcl chklst; 20 corrective actions--earned "Outstanding" rating on Sq QA semi-annual insp

- Directed 1,578 prsnl evals/6 annual insps; led sq to unprecedented 97% pass rate--surpassed HAF std by 17%
- Directed 1.5K prsnl evals/6 annual insps; led sq to unprecedented 97% pass rate--surpassed HAF std by 17%
- Directed 105 R-11 reconfig's; sealed 92% MC rate/beat cmd goal 7%--enabled 15M gals of JP-8 to 9K sorties
- Directed 26.5M gals of JP-8 ISO 1.9K alert B-1B CAS msns--547 bombs delivered to vital OEF threat targets

- Directed 37 acft issues/125K gal JP-8 in supt of Arctic Thunder '12; AK biggest event enjoyed by 150K people
- Directed 72 weekly hydrant system pressure tests; validated integrity of 7-mile loop/42 outlets; 100% pass rate
- Directed after hrs security checks; inspected/secured 13 facilities--safeguarded $302M JBER product/assets
- Directed annual folder reviews; scrutinized 195 folders/corrected 35 discrepancies--readiness enhanced >20%

- Directed deposition of spent JP-10 resources; assured USSTRATCOM global msn--$62K reimbursed to BWs
- Directed five agencies during 3-day spill cleanup; reduced environmental impact--saved $12K in cleanup fees
- Directed fuel removal/25 LAV's; enabled haz-cargo compliant air shipment--2nd MEB eqp'd ISO OEF surge
- Directed hydrostatic hose test on six R-11s; increased hot refuel capability 35%/decreased a/c turn time 40%

- Directed issue of 10K gals JP-8 to OPEN SKIES acft; spt'd 31 observation msns--elevated US/Russia relations
- Directed MK-82 cookoff spt; ensured JDAM evaluated/shipment reqs exceeded--CENTCOM request fulfilled
- Directed ONE launch tm; dispatched to fuel flow red ball/R2'd faulty FFT--ensured on time takeoff/POTUS security
- Directly spt'd 3 WG early warning ops; iss'd 150K gals JP-8/ 39 CAC/AWACS acft--solidified NORAD msn

- Dispatched 9K fuel request; 36M gals JP-8 iss'd/18-min avg response--fueled 19% of AMC's worldwide msns
- Dispensed 368K gals JP-8 to 82 C-17 acft; 102K s/tons cargo moved--sustained DoD's #1 busiest refueling op
- Dispensed 51K gals JP8 to 22 Combat Alert Cell acft; directly spt'd wing critical real world NORAD missions
- Dispensed 55K gallons fuel to 15 KC-135; aided force enabler ops--Allied acft range/payload increase

- DLA Contracting Ofcr f/??M contract; executed 15 ops insp's--ensured compliance of 6 psnl/$25M terminal
- DoD's busiest POL operation! 326M gals JP-8 iss'd = 166 of 188 AF/AFR/ANG Ops--exceeds all ACC bases
- Dply'd 4 mo's to AAS; steered expert FORCE mx/upheld 100% MCR--vital to wg's sustained spt of OEF/OIF
- Dply'd fuel truck <24hrs ISO Eastern Falcon/Al Jabber AB; rushed msn requirements--1st rate AFCENT spt

- Drove 120-pt daily insp's on 23 special/general purpose vehicles valued at $2.1M+; clinched 93% MC rate
- Drove AFCENT's largest JP-8 inventory/8.1M--spt'd 61K refuel ops/19K OEF/OIF/OND jnt/coalition sorties
- Drove Andersen AFB Transient Ops; led 19 prsnl/distributed 1.7M gals JP8/1K sorties gen'd—coined by 36 LRS CC
- Drove Flt safety prgm; key to Eglin Cmd '13 CINC Installation Excellence/'12 NDTA/Gerrity Awds--promote

- Drove Hurricane Florence prep; oversaw launch crews/averted 2 GABs--56 acft evac'd/$3.1B wpns sys's safeguarded
- Drove repair on elusive tank leak; ID'd/R2'd defective coupling/hardware--averted $20K cell replacement/60 man-hrs
- Dynamic leader; quarterbacked LRS flag football team to play-offs--bolstered unit cohesion/espirit de corps

- Effectively controlled 3 facilities/6 refueling assets; 24-hr fuel spt to AFSOC R/W tasking--1.5K flying hrs met
- Effectively iss'd 25K gls JP-8; 566K gls fuel/384 a/c serviced--vital to EX Beverly Midnight 11-01 msn sucess
- Embraced HQ YoGrad campaign; passed Public Speaking/3 hrs earned--completed Logistics Mgt CCAF AAS
- Employed $113M hyd fueling sys; drove 92% HUR/beat Wg goal 12%--saved 1.1K truck ops/1.4K man-hrs

- Employed AF's work horse R-11 fleet/36 units--236M gals iss'd/345K miles/248K pumping hours w/96% ICR
- Enabled USA SOF flying msn; programmed/established 840K deliveries--saved 384 man-hrs new requirement
- Encoded 220 Vehicle Identification Links; ensured 24/7 JBER ground fuel supt--accurate billing for 23 units
- Encouraged professional growth; collaborated on development of squadron Coaching prgm--train'd tomorrow's leaders

- Enforced environmental laws; 5.6M gals fuel properly contained--key to zero findings during '13 FL EPA insp
- Enforced EPA regulations; 19 tanks/5.5M gals of fuel safely contained--zero findings during six FL EPA insps
- Engaged PTL; performed 63 assessments/led 43 flt/4 sq PT sessions--devoted to USAF "Fit to Fight" lifestyle
- Engineered APOSD upgrade initiative; equipped 23 devices w/bluetooth tech--doubled servicing area distance

- Ensured 25 mbrs were trained on ATV ops; enabled 1.3 mile mobile fuel pipeline insp's--zero envmtl releases
- Enterprise Business Sys lead; managed 51 real property proj's/$65M--facilitated mx of fixed fueling systems
- Escorted Fuels IG insp team during LCAP visit; no major findings noted--earned "Outstanding Performer" awd
- Eval'd ongoing vent discrepancy; isolated/R2'd seized pilot valve <6 hrs--zero repeats/vital to wg 2.8% R/R rate 3rd qtr

- Exceptional Fuels Ops Chief; 100M+ gals JP-8/ground fuel moved--sustained 12K acft sorties/1.6K vehicles
- Executed 38 quick turn "Combat Alert " acft refuels; iss'd 67K gals JP-8--showcased swift C2/DHS readiness
- Executed B-2 hot pit prgm; tackled 20 refuels/173K gals/cut ground time 67%--eliminated USTRANSCOM tanker req's
- Executed Class III Fuel Spill Response Ex; teamed w/DLA/Wg reps--federal rqmnts met...$32K fines avoided

- Executed visual analysis on 11 fuel bowsers; reclaimed 2.3K gls of JP8--returned $3K+ to wg flying hr prgm
- Executed wg's Hurricane Evac Plan; performed launch spt for evac of 62 acft--safeguarded $3.4B wpn sys's in <12 hrs
- Exhibited outstanding technical abilities; seven supervisor no-notice operational inspections--100% pass rate
- Expedited 1.2M gals JP-8 to critical AWACS/CAC acft; secured AK NORAD airspace/northern "Top Cover"

- Expedited issue of 408K gals JP-8/142 acft/22-min resp for Red Flag 12-03--supt'd 240 sorties/759 flying hrs
- Expedited POTUS tasking; four R-11s prep'd for airlift <36 hrs--fueled '12 "Summit of Americas" logistic spt
- Expertly briefed AAS fuel mission to 20 AF cadets; provided future leaders insight into AOR fuels operations
- Expertly led 15 prsnl/2 shifts; spearheaded 900K gals JP-8 issues/500 acft--powered 919 SOW/7 SFG msns

- Expertly led 4 UDMs; 58 deployment taskings/6 met w/<30 days notice--no late RDDs/reporting discrepancies
- Expertly managed $145K ADPE account; modernized 106 computers & printers; ensured 100% accountability
- Expertly managed 3 MILCON projs worth $28M+; fuels ops/hydrant sys paved way for "new" F-35 beddown
- Expertly orchestrated hot-pit refuel ops; 378K gals JP-8 iss'd to 210 acft--superb support of NORTHCOM msn

- Expertly performed 120-point dly chk pt inspection, maint corrosion control of 15 refueling vechles--100% MC
- Expertly performed 20-point cryotainer inspection, maintained corrosion control of four 3K gallon cryotainers
- Expertly rebuilt 3 hose reel clutch assembly; saved $15K in new parts costs--averted 4-wk vehicle downtime
- Extensive technical knowledge-expert troubleshooting ability decreased equipment down time by 40%

- Extracted 1.2K fuel samples/23 pieces of equip; executed 9K tests--ensured $6.8M JP8 on-spec for 24/7 ops

- F-35 fuels SME; advised Luke AFB on refuel constraints/equip needs--poised 56 FW for beddown of 72 acft
- Fabricated security mechanism for HAZ AP; safeguarded facility--garnered "Innovator" award from MSG/CC
- Facilitated HEMI install; provided 24/7 visibility of $??M Type III hydrant syst--eliminated ?? labor-hrs weekly
- Facilitated 21M gals of JP-8 iss'd to RC-135/E-8/P-3 a/c--spt'd 2.8K C2/ISR sorties ISO JFACC ATO rqmts

- Facilitated a/c sortie surge; issued 569 gls of aviation fuel to 14 a/c--contributed to wg NSI rating "Excellent"
- Facilitated issue of 2.5M gl JP-8; provided NATO w/ required assets for humanitarian support/relief msn's
- Facilitated out of cycle IMA request; secured $100K, backfilled 1,300 deployed man hrs; averted msn failure
- Facilitated recycle of 3K lbs of tank construction debris; negated waste disposal fee--$2K revenue generated

- Facilitated sheet metal repair; removed/reinstalled dump mast manifold--avoided $600K wing replacement/72 mx-hrs
- Facility manager; ensured movement of 11M gals of DLA-E fuel--earned two semiannual "Outstanding" ratings
- Facility mgr cert'd; executed 30 bldg inspections/coord'd w/CE on 12 repair orders--ensured safe work area for 60 psnl
- Fielded guidance on off-spec E-85 disposal for two wgs--$21.5K reimbursed/tanks returned operational status

- Filled Shift Supervisor role/3 months; oversaw 1K acft refuel ops/3M gals Jet-A--gen'd 1.6K sorties/enabled 3K flt hrs
- Finalized annaul ADPE review/inv; Id'd 600+ items valued at $125K--account transferred/DLA directives met
- Finalized DLA's AVGAS contract; slashed 48 annual AMC msns/cleared 288 pallet positions--$2.5M+ saved
- Finished WPC/RO 120 hrs of trng; advanced expertise for juggling AF's 225 2F0X1s w/CCDRs rqmts

- Finished WRTG 291 w/ UMUC; earned three credits hrs w/ a 3.4 GPA--two courses shy of Logistics CCAF
- Flawlessly managed Airfield Driving Prgm; zero findings during SAV--3 OSS/DO noted "benchmark program"
- Flight VCNCO; led preventive mx inspection prgm for 32 vehicle refueling fleet--held amazing 94% MC rate
- Flt Airfield Driving Prgm Mgr; qual'd 10 operators on active rwy crossing--100% msn ready...zero incidents

- Flt ODTA; gen'd, reviewed & adjusted 46 DTS travel vouchers--drove 100% correction rate/$16K reimbursed to mbrs
- Force enabler; organized two TSP deployments; 9 2Fs/29 acft/1.2K sorties--fortified PACOM air superiority
- Fortified veh corrosion control pgm; 5-day wash cycle/mx req met--extended vehicle life span /$12.5M assets
- Fueled 243 KC-135 acft/1.7M gals JP8; 10K in-flt refuels/95M lbs issued--pwr'd 33% of CENTCOM's ATO

- Fueled 7 SFG SOUTHCOM/OEF deployments; 450K gals JP-8/63 acft--enabled C-17 non-stop flights to AOR
- Fueled Ex COMBAT HAMMER '13; 220K gals JP-8 issued/202 sorties--assessed A-10/F-16 wpn's systems
- Fueled Op Jagged Knife; dlvr'd 4.4K gals/2 acft/pwr'd 24 hr op--7 BOT/eliminated Taliban drug prod/decr'd revenue
- Fueled Op SILENT TEMPEST; asst'd PMT/prep'd/loaded 4 R-11's f/shpmnt--pos'd ldrs f/Vietnam Summit & D-Day 75

- Fueled WAFB '19 Airshow; issued 4K gals fuel/60 acft--showcased 21st century acft capes/entertained 100K spectators

- Gifted orator! 1st choice to brief logistics mission to 44 NATO/PfP delegates--solidified global partnership
- Governed Dual Wing org tank pgm; oversaw tng/cert of 14 custodians f/?? facs--cut insp findings by 34%
- Governed flt TMDE prgm; maintained accurate calibrations/$9.5K sampling eqpmt--zero discrepancies noted
- Governed multi-agency thermal damage LOTI; eval'd/cert'd 30 damaged CFTs--prevented $45M in replacement costs

- Guardian of $XXXM fuel acct; ensured flawless quality control for 4.7M gal jet petroleum-fueled the fight!
- Guided 200K gal JP-8 bladder replacement <16 hrs; upheld critical MEL--seamless 24/7 GWoT fuel support
- Guided 7 sections during semiannual insps; ID'd/fixed 54 deficiencies--penned 24 sq QA "Outstanding" ratings
- Guided Duke Fld self insp prgm; reviewed 171 chklst items/no findings '12 HQ LCAP--Sq rated "Outstanding"

- Guided flt's MMSAV prep; led review of 559 deliverable documents--ID'd/corrected 90 errors/zero findings
- Guided fuels safety prgm; zero findings during AAC annual insp--Wg grnd safety benchmarked three processes
- Guided issue of 52K gals of grnd fuels; powered 40 sites/800 facilities--sustained ops for 724 sq mile range
- Guided Vehicle Mgt w/Automated Info Mgt s/w install; provided instant vehicle mx data--$8M saved annually

- Guided wing's org tank trng pgrm; trained/certified 11 tank custodians--critical emer/backup power grid upheld

- Hand picked for Ex COMBAT ARCHER; guided 3 Amn/18 mx tasks/zero repeat/recurs--sealed 141 msns/211 flt hrs
- Hand picked to attend in-residence SEI fuels QC crs; promptly applied skills--filled NCOIC position ~ 1 mon
- Hand-selected for Nellis AFB ME Exercise spt; issued 51K gals jet fuel--propell'd 21 vital combat trng sorties
- Handpicked to re-establish Sq CSS function; built program from ground up--managed pers actions for 250 Amn

- Hastily delivered 19K gal JP-8/Combat Alert Cell F-15/F-22 acft--AK NORAD 24/7 defense w/zero setbacks
- Haz-waste/AP mngr; disposed of 1.6K kg of JP8 waste--complied w/ stringent EU/FGS-I environmental laws
- Headed TACP grnd fuel spt; routed 1K gals DL2 to 160 SOF students--galvanized 440 trng hrs w/zero delay
- Helped control $46M of fuel; accounted for largest fuel storage in AF--readied 66M gals for AEF sustainment

- Honed flt capes; facilitated the tng of 12 fuels psnl in wet-wing defuel ops-enhanced multi wing ACE concept spt
- Honed JBER fuels account; 11.2K sales/$48.6M inventory--Pacific DLA-E auditors noted "Best in PACOM"
- Hosted AFFOR/A4/7/DESC; demonstrated FORCE site mgmt&ops/infrastructure mx--lauded as best in AOR!

- Id'd 250 R-11/R-12 working stock items worth $65K; reduced downtime 35%--key to 45M gals JP8/JPTS iss'd
- ID'd LIMFACs on $189M FORCE sys; aided AFPET w/ design/trng mods--protected $218M a/c components
- ID'd/corrected faulty LOX purity test frequency; rebuilt 5 test sets on 5 tks--averted ABO IFE for wg/TA pilots
- ID'd/replaced 100' ruptured fuel hose; wg's receipt cap restored < 1 hr--flt awd'd EMSG "Team of the Month"

- Identified fault w/AEL contamination standard; resolved dilemma--abated possible a/c mishap due to fuel qual
- Ignited Ex GT '18; spt'd 338 refuels/311K gals/gen'd 16 B-2s--key to 509/131 BW USSTRATCOM Omaha Trophy win
- Implemented critical mx upgrades; enhanced ability of 23 R-11s to safely issue 16M gals/JP-8--zero msn delay
- Individually responded to over 3500 servicings-maintained an impressive 15-minute average response time

- Inspected two $20M Type III hydrant fuel systems; coor'd work orders w/BCE--enabled 87% utilization rate
- Instructed four individuals in 5-level upgrade trng; 180 tasks completed--20% increase of AEF qualifications
- Instrumental to Flt issuing 16M gals JP-8; 11K sorties fueled--critical to 96 TW/33 FW trng/wpns testing msns
- Inventoried/issued CBRNE training gear; outfitted 132 squadron personnel--673 LRS 100% mission capable

- Investigated brake drum cracks on two R-11s; ordered fleet-wide insps--id'd as possible AF-wide deficiency
- Isolated CFT transfer light faults; pinpointed/replaced defective current monitors--prevented $56K pump replacements
- Iss'd 1.6M gals JP-8 to 568 acft; 11 min average response time w/zero fuel delays--slashed AF goal by 19 min
- Iss'd 6.3K gals JP-8 to two Ex OPEN SKIES acft; supt'd 31 observation msns--elevated multi-lateral relations

- Issued 1.1M gals JP8 to 414 acft; awarded April 2013 "PoM"--inducted into esteemed "Million Gallon Club"
- Issued 1.5M gals JP-8/512 acft; reaped 14-min response time/bested AF standard by 49%; powered 5K sorties
- Issued XXK gal's of JP-8 to XX a/c; provided NATO w/ required assets for humanitarian support/relief msn's

- Key duty volunteer; provided program oversight for squadron promotion program--husbanded LRS career progression
- Key mbr on Langley MRT; troubleshot/R2'd intermittent transfer pump--trng obj's met, acft returned to SJAFB <18 hrs
- Key player during Ex RED FLAG-AK; oversaw 400K gals JP-8 iss'd to 200+ acft--secured exercise success
- Key player during RED FLAG Ex; ID'd/replaced faulty wing probe--crucial to 212 msns/387 flt hrs/trip 86% MC rate

- Key player in issue of 144K gal JPTS--lifeblood of 88 U2 sorties/key in relaying ISR info to GWOT forces
- Key player to operations; issued $XXXM JP8 to XXX aircraft with impressive XX minute response time
- Key to '12 Emerald Warrior Ex; 95K gals of JP-8 issued to C-17s--ensured critical comm trng for cargo pilots
- KO'd 5-lvl upgrade; mastered 76 core tasks/finished 5 months early--added 9 credits towards LOG Mgmt CCAF degree

- Launched AFMC's 1st JCS fuel report; qualified 12 SNCO's/76 tasks--resolved 2 yr noncompliance <2 months
- Ldr of DoD's busiest DFSP! 326M gals JP-8 iss'd = 166 of 188 AF/AFR/ANG Ops--exceeds all ACC bases
- Lead flt during May effectiveness insp; zero maj discrepancies noted f/all fuels programs--strong showing in all MGAs
- Led 127 prsnl/controlled $119M in assets; 23M gals fuel issued/12K requests filled--powered AF largest Wg

- Led 13 member EET; scripted 38 trng scenarios for EMEs/OREs--validated wg's readiness/OPLAN execution
- Led 3 elements; oversaw 212 fuel analyses/249 tanker reciepts/7K billing trans--fueled Wg $??B flying pgm
- Led 44 mbr fuels distribution element; 9K sorties/8K fly hrs--wg's NATO TACEVAL rated "mission capable"
- Led 5 mbrs in SIP review; 120 items scrutinized/six errors id'd & fixed--secured "Outstanding" Sq QA rating

- Led 8 Amn TSP; expedited 8K acft servicings/16M gals iss'd--propelled AF's largest combat WG/zero delays
- Led AFMC's 1st CV-22 hot gas prgm; val'd 12 certs/launched 20 msns--enabled SOUTHCOMs interdiction spt
- Led Eglin/NWFL airport jt MARE/MASCAL exer; id'd nine strengths--sharpened Eglin/local responders' SOP
- Led elements 4-day delivery/500K gals JP-8; spt'd wg's 300% sortie incrs--lauded by wg/MSG/OG/MXS cc

- Led flt of 25 AAS; issued 16M gals JP-8 to 3.8K a/c--224K pax/18K tons cargo pushed ISO OEF/OIF/JHoA
- Led Flt of 25; issued 16M gals JP8 for 3.8K acft msn's--224K pax/18K tons cargo pushed iso OEF/OIF/JHOA
- Led flt's busiest element; svc'd 31M gal JP-8/powered 10K sorties; enabled 15-min avg resp--beat std by 50%
- Led spt to Captive Flight tests; 2K gals JP-8 to UH-01s--galvinized precise firepower capability to warfighter

- Led WRM equip return effort; QC'd 205 expeditionary spt assets--$1.1M+ shipped/re-utilized at FOB/FOLs
- Led/integrated 246 AD/ANG/AFRC Airmen from 54 bases/3 Tempo Bands--fused seamless spt to warfighter
- Liaised w/LRS; trn'd 4 Amn on leak test procedures for 5 cells--$60K in serviceable assets readied for use ACC wide
- Loaded Fuels Mgr Defense prgm on 14 stations; 100% visibility to 13 elements--60K transactions processed

- Lobbied/justified new Cryogenic facility; 100% design complete/closed 5yr w/o--#1 Wing MILCON priority

- Maintained all BSM-E applications; ensured real time Class III status--$74M reciepts/sales precisely managed
- Maintained perfect safety record; expertly conducted refuel ops w/out mishap--100% pass-rate on 15 QA evals
- Managed $242K LMR acct; maintained eight radios/base stations--ensured critical C2 for 12K flight line ops
- Managed $4.8M infrastructure; mitigated 50% storage capacity loss--sustained ops despite 38% msn increase

- Managed $76.8K budget; procured vital assets despite 65% budget cut--sustained cmd's 2d busiest fuels ops
- Managed 12 JP-10 fuel sample tests; ??K gals validated on-spec f/ALCMs--powered DoD's sole dual nuclear wg
- Managed 80+ pers; directed delivery of 15M gals JP-8/52K gals grnd products--vital for wpns reseach & eval
- Managed AFGSC fuel mishap reports/responses; guided eight responses; minimized environmental impact

- Managed Flt TODO acct; maintained 122 TO's/notebooks--armed 127 mbrs w/most up to date tech guidance
- Managed fuel spt 96 TW $820M+ R&D prgm; 3M gals/enabled proj on time/zero delay--2K sorties generated
- Managed fuel spt TW's $820M+ R&D; 137K gals/enabled proj on time/zero delay--$112K+ saved in overtime
- Managed safety/env prgms; safeguarded 360 prsnl/23 facs/$834M assets--zero maj findings/Wg grnd sfty insp

- Managed sq's safety prgm; safeguard'd 320+ prsnl/23 facs/$834M assets--no maj findings during wg inspection
- Managed/inventoried two CTKs; verified 510 tool markings/serviceability--safeguarded $5.3K CA/CRL assets
- Mastered 8-Step Problem Solving crse; applied model to flt self-insp prgm--key to 18 "Outstanding" QA evals
- Mastered controller duties; deftly directed over 1K fuel requests--maintained 14-minute response time to acft

- Mastered TODO; maintained oversight of 54 TO/AFI library file--drove safe execution $200M POL operation
- Maximiz'd prsnl/equip during Ex RED FLAG-AK '13; 161K gals JP-8 iss'd--generated 208 combat trng sorties
- Mbr of four Fuels AOM boards; eval'd/critiqued 10 nominees--developed Airmen/fullfilled vital NCO charge
- Member of 386 AEW Memorial Day Ceremony formation; tribute paid respect for past/present military heroes

- Meticulous mgmt; reviewed/revised 70 checklists/34 Fuel OIs--enhanced safety/standardized ops for 11 areas
- Meticulous technician; passed four no-notice compliance spot-checks--safely launched 194 F-22 acft/no delays
- Meticulously insp'd 25 fuels contingency assets daily; 98% MC rate-linchpin to supplying 35% AOR's fuel
- Meticulously inspected rcp't pipeline at 6 hr intervals; varified all pressures/levels--upheld integrity of system

- Mg'd $4.1M FORCE hyd sys; 100% MC/upheld 50% time savings vs trucks--key to wg's awesome 96% MER
- Mg'd 13 JP8 fuelers/$1.5M; stalled 4 mo 86% ICR rose to 91%--700K gals dlvd iso 1.6K EC130 CAS fly hrs
- Mg'd 2 AT DF2 trucks MC; 1.9K gals issued outside the wire for SeaBees berm project--incrs'd AAS security
- Mng'd $440K CA-CRL/$112K ADPE accts; secured 100% accountability--efforts led to zero msn degradation

- Mng'd DoD's lrgst tactical fuel farm; led 8/perf'd 45 repairs & replaced 5 bladders--crushed inv shortfall/6 mo LIMFAC
- Mngd AFMC 2d largest acct; 5K transactions/$4.5M in sales--.007 reject rate...readied for '13 EOY close out
- Mobilized ISO Ex COMBAT ARCHER; performed w/18 Basic Post Flight inspections--named "Superior Performer"
- Mobilized ISO Operation INHERENT RESOLVE/183 days; served as Fuels Distribution Operator spt'g 5K/yr sorties

- Monitored controlled area visitors, validated entry authority--safeguarded $11M fuels facilities infrastructure
- Motivated; issued 1.7M gals JP-8/518 acft; zero delays--awarded "Pumper of the Month" two months running
- MSG UCC Mgr; fused 8-man team; drove C2 for 2.2K Grp prsnl thru two exers--primed to spt contingency ops

- Named Squadron PTL; formulated physical training programs--maintained 88% flight satisfactory assessments

- Offloaded 928K gals mogas/diesel; 877K gals iss'd/6 SSTAs--powered 3K veh fleet/85K acre alt power grid
- Operated three Type III hydrant systems; ensured safe receipt/issue of 20.5M gals JP-8--6.9K aircraft serviced
- Optimally managed 32M gals/$44.8M JP8; met all msn demands US/coalition forces--combat fuel spt executed
- Orch'd AAS fuel berm repairs; secured 2M+ gals JP-8 valued $2.8M--flt awarded July ELRS team of month

- Orchestrat'd 110 nightly security checks; protected 10 bldgs/$302M infrastructure--maintained facility integrity
- Orchestrated 17.5K C-17 refuel ops w/71.3M gals of JP-8--spt'd 3.4K msns/37.3K Stons/67.3K pax w/o delay
- Orchestrated 2F intern prgm w/BCE/DLA-E; advanced pers on fuel sys repair/lab tests--sparked grp cohesion
- Orchestrated AAS, AB fuels msn brief for 40 AF cadets; provided future leaders insight into AOR fuels ops

- Ordered in-depth investigation; 685K gal fuel loss/54K transactions scrutinized--$2.3M discrepancy corrected
- Organized 1990 Oil Pollution Act rqmts; established cmd policy; assured asset security/compliance 100%
- Organized Fuels Manager Defense upgrade; 2nd install in DoD/1st in PACAF--mng'd smooth trans $4.5M sys
- Organized multi-unit qualification; C-17/KC-135 hot refuel/defuel ops certifi'd 21 2F prsnl—boost'd flt capes by 42%

- Overcame remote location LIMFAC; obtained missing fuel additive <10 hrs f/short notice B-2 arrival--zero msn delays
- Overhauled 18 R-11/R-12 single point nozzles; utilized residue parts--negated $36K parts cost/2 weeks NMCS
- Overhauled 4 ETAMs; inspected/changed torn/worn seals--returned $88K assets to serviceable status/filled MICAPs
- Oversaw $18M JSF MILCON proj; provided SME guidance to USACE proj mgr--critical to F-35 beddown

- Oversaw 4-man PM checkpoint team; passed 12 Sq QA spot checks--performed 37 spot repairs/93% MC rate
- Oversaw AOR's AVGAS resupply hub; 84 ABFDS msns/151 blivets--320K gals/14K RPV sorties/9K hours
- Oversaw Arctic Thunder '12; 68K gals JP-8 iss'd to 43 acft; enhanced liaison with community/enjoy'd by 225K
- Oversaw CES CDC prgm; enforced time-lines/exam prep for 54 Amn--crucial to sq 100% crse completion rate FY18

- Oversaw historic USMC STOVL F-35 refuel; 1.6K gals of JP-8 delivered--ensured initial acft test successful
- Oversaw mx insp's on 14 AAS refuelers/$1.5M; 86% MC rate increased to a superior/sustained 97% average
- Oversaw reclaimable/waste fuel point; returned 17K gals JP-8 into inventory--saved AF $23K in disposal fees
- Oversaw Sq ART/DRRS/SORTS; ID'd 7 unnecessary LRS METLs--ensured reports 100% timely and accurate

- Oversaw Sq SORTS/DRRS/ART; validated resources/trng data/159 taskable positions--100% timely/accurate

- PAR Team member during ORI; drafted routes/maps for PAR sweeps prior to insp--noted by IG "best in years"
- Paramount to CV-22 hot pit ops; ensured 23 hoses met API cert--2K gals JP-8 issued/wpns software validated
- Partnered w/sheet metal on antenna repairs; led 3 bladder rollbacks/installs-instrumental to wg's 97% MSE rate FY18
- Performed 32 task evals; tested fuel handling proficiency of 27 2F0's--26M gals of JP-8 safely issued/received

- Performed 535 analysis on 107 samples; validated QA 2.2M gals jet fuel--powered 383 7 BW/317 AG sorties
- Performed 90-day samples on five LOX tanks; upheld > 99.5% purity--mitigated pilot physiological mishaps
- Performed flawless operator maint on 15 refueling vehicles; maintaining impressive 100% in-commission rate
- Performed short notice sampling of hydrant equip--enabled critical Hot Pit/Fire Suppression trng for 31 MXS

- Personally iss'd 1.1M gals JP-8; 318 3 WG/ transient acft/15 min avg resp--awd'd 3M gal club honors Dec '12
- Piloted 1st-ever USN F-35C hot fueling prgm; crafted jt svc trng plan/procedures--cut sortie turn time 60 mins
- Piloted AUAB to enduring ops; coord effort w/DLA--established permanent DoDAAC/transitioned $1.2B acct
- Piloted DLA's bulk helium ops; established 1st USA cryo resupply for Aerostat balloon craft's--awd'd DMSM

- Piloted engine no start red ball; R2'd seized shutoff valve actuators/<4 hrs--secured CAS msn/coined by 332 EMXS/CC
- Piloted Red Flag AK fuel planning; three exercises/60 acft/900K gals JP-8/12 units--1K combat flt hrs earned
- Piloted Refueling Mx/Vehicle Mx turnover; transferred $94K tool/equip accts--beat HAF target date by 4 mos
- Planned Dutch fuel needs for 20 helicopters/30 day Aviano AB deployment--strengthened NATO partnership

- Planned F-15E fuel rqmts; spt'd 120 tng msn's--Flt issued 321K gals of JP-8...pilots rdy for AOR combat Ops
- PMEL Mgr; coordinated immediate cal of damaged msn-critical fuels lab scale--testing ops restored <24 hrs
- POL's premier Ops Supt! Led/integrated 246 AD/ANG/AFRC Airmen from 54 bases across 3 Tempo Bands
- Policed 12M+ gal fuel acct; reviewed 1.4K document receipts/audited--secured $9.4M in DLA reimbursement

- Powered '19 wpn school tng; delivered 56K gals Jet-A/3.5K sorties--primed real world capes f/200 pilots/19 wpn sq's
- Powered 176th ANG SAR C-130/HH-60s; iss'd 40K+ gals JP-8--enabled Total Force concept/saved 41 lives
- Powered ADAB! Paramount to issue of 44K gal DL2-72 generators/177 facilities-ATO enabler 1.9K residents
- Powered flightline ops; issued 533K gals JP-8 to 122 acft; bolstered 176 Wg--showcased solid msn readiness

- Powered JBER flightline ops; fueled 1.6M gals JP-8/supported 511 acft; energized Cmd's 2nd busiest fuels hub
- Prep'd wg for Hurricane Florence; managed fuels launch tms/gen'd 62 acft in 12 hrs--safeguarded $3.4B in wg assets
- Prep'd/deployed 42 prsnl; delivered 6.3K days/spt'd OEF/OND/HOA ops--reinforced C2 for 287 combat msns
- Prepped Flt for annual 96 TW Ground Safety insp; 13 elements inspected/no findings--key to mishap free year!

- Proactive leader; mg'd 126% diesel demand increase/AAS AB power outages--sel'd July ELRS SNCO month
- Proactively spt'd 126% diesel demand increase due to power outages; upheld QoL 2.6K--team of month/Jul 09
- Proactively spt'd wg's 2009 NSI eval; pre-postured 18K gals JP-8 w < 1 min response--effort lauded by wg cc
- Productive asset; enabled continuous mission support when 75% of the flight was deployed--met mission req'ments

- Propelled Namadol Typhoon relief; issued 175K gals JP8—safeguarded 10 KC135s/5 C130s worth $540M
- Provided 14 Amn 5 lvl/7lvl UGT; 264 core tasks completed; >100 hrs hands on trng--EOC score increase >9%
- Provided grnd fuel to 12 base agencies; 3K gals safely issued--ensured continious power/heating to 31 ABW
- Provided ground fuel to X base agencies; 23K gals safely issued--ensured continious power/heating to 31 FW

- Pursued BS degree/environmental mgmt; comp'd eng comp II/western history II/6 credits--excelled w/ 3.5 gpa

- Qualified ADR operator follows strict adherence to Italian Enviro compliance--iss'd ___ gls of SFD/3 locals
- Quarterbacked cleaning of 25 refueling units--led Flight corrosion control program for fleet valued over $6M
- Quarterbacked hot refueling cert team; guided 15 mbrs for site survey--1st EAFB F-35 hot pit location initiated
- Quarterbacked tank overhaul proj; two 100K gals tanks upgraded to current std--restored 100% ops capability

- Quick decision making during ERRI/CERI scenarios--executed post attack UXO sweeps and SABC care
- Quickly mastered all facets of PACAF's largest distribution element--reduced workload on team

- Rallied 7 sections during semiannual insps; id'd/fixed 54 deficiencies--nailed 24 Sq QA "Outstanding" ratings
- Rapidly mobiliz'd R-11 fleet; prep'd/complet'd four exercise LTIs--met DSOE timeline/zero write-ups incurr'd
- Readied Flt for '12 AFMC LCAP insp; fostered 3 "Outstanding Team/Performer" awds--Sq earned "Excellent"
- Recovered/disposed of 39K gals water from 119 fuel pits--averted freeze damage/extended life of $302M sys

- Rectified fuel vent anomaly; pinpointed/replaced seized pilot valve--solidified CAOC's #1 priority, 2K msns/11K hrs
- Rectified ongoing fuel flow fault; replaced seized transmitter in 4 hrs vs. 8 hr std--vital to wg's 13K sorties/32K flt hrs
- Rectified USSTRATCOM OPLAN rqmts; alerted invalid fuel level--validated 100K gal IMP discrepancy
- Recv'd 8K gls of ground fuel at base service station--uniterrupted energy support to 900+ 31 FW/GSUs GOVs

- Refuel'd 639K gals JP-8 to 53 B-1B acft; 517 JDAM's releas'd--enabled 6K CAS msns w/in CENTCOM AOR
- Refueled 123K gals/84 HH-60/C-130 alert search and rescue acft--enabled 33 sorties/16 msns/41 lives saved
- Refueled OC-135B Open Skies treaty acft; iss'd 5K gals JP-8--enabled Russia/US unarmed aerial surveillance
- Refurb'd 6 ETAMS; cleaned fittings, procured/replaced seals--replenished supply point to 100%/backfilled MICAPs

- Remedied CFT vent red ball; pinpointed damaged check valve--returned $1.7M asset to FMC in <2 hrs/trng msn met
- Remedied redundant Launch Facility tank insps; HAF policy deviation approved--saved wgs 1.5K man-hrs yr
- Replaced 200K gal JP8 bladder <16hrs/prior to failure; lvls kept above war time MEL--24/7 GWOT fuel spt!
- Reported critical cryo inventories to FSC for REPOL; updated forms daily--ensured mission capability 100%

- Reported vital MEL inventory to FSC for REPOL; updated forms daily--provided uninterrupted 31FWmsn supt
- Resident lab expert! Streamlined 5/7 upgrade trng; seven Amn trained on 16 lab core tasks--reduced OJT 50%
- Resolved quantity fluctuation repeat; ID'd misrouted bonding wire/rerouted--drove 333 AMU's 73% 8-hr fix rate, Aug
- Resourceful; acquired 18 spare R-11 tires/rims from WRM storage--saved $23K/increased bench stock 95%

- Restored 20 computers to Std Desktop Config 3.2 s/w; saved >$11K in Sq funds--ensured 100% in compliance
- Revamped Duke Fld Ops lesson plans; steered OJT on 181 work center tasks--earned MSG's 3d Qtr SNCOQ
- Revamped master trng plan; eval'd 262 tasks/corrected 37 errors--20 mbrs upgraded/boosted section's MQT by 35%
- Revamped POL file plans; flawlessly streamlined 90+ FSC/Admin records; rec'd "Excellent" on Semi-Annual

- Safely issued XXK gals of JP8 to 728th AEW; XXXK tonnage shipped; propelled OOD/OUP combat effort
- Safely issued XXXK gals of JP8 during OOD/OUP ops to XXXX sorties--supported 300% demand increase
- Sampled 1M gals JP-8 receipts ops worth $3.9M; 1.2K in-depth lab analyses--ensured product 100% on-spec
- Screened 90 security clearance & authentication requests--JBER's Eagle Eyes for OPSEC/COMSEC programs

- Secured $8K enviro funding from DLA-E; 500 ft of containment boom acquired--2K ft of shoreline protected
- Secured 2-6K cryogenic tanks from USAFE; increased LOX storage 133%--spt'd 95% OIF/OEF/OND rqmt's
- Select'd for exercise Red Flag; issu'd 78K gals fuel/15 min response--propell'd 44 vital US/NATO trng sorties
- Selected 96 MSG SAP monitor; guides 5 Sqs/10 mbrs validating CAPs--arms CCs w/unit health & compliance

- Selected to chair wg's Primavera Bazaar finances; exceptionally responsible post...wg's largest money maker
- Serviced 80K gals/21 AWACS/CAC acft; secured AK NORAD topcover msn--Russian encroachments deter'd
- Serviced XX LOX/LIN carts/delivered X.XK gals cryogenic product--provided 31 FW uninterrupted msn supt
- Showcased superior technical knowledge during four no-notice Flight Compliance spot checks--100% pass rate

- Skillfully trained 22 new TDY personnel allowing the flight to maintain a corp of qualified fuels operators
- Skillfully iss'd 33K gals JP-8 to 16 acft during Ex RED FLAG 12-3--inducted into flt's "1 Million Gal Club"
- Skillfully iss'd 85K gals JP-8 to 30 multi-national Ex RED FLAG AK sorties; honed pilot combat trng success
- Solidified 24 hr fuel spt to 10 base agencies; ensured constant power/heat to 31 FW--6K gls issued/no mishaps

- Sourced 13 2Fs for Red Flag exercise; alleviated ACC shortfalls--secured 3.2K a/c combat CAS tactics
- Sourced MXS cryogenic resupply; recd ? LOX tankers/?K gals/worth $??K--ignited ?? B-52 sorties/?? flt hrs
- Spearheaded FMD 8.0 install; improved reliability for DFSP mgt--reduced DLA footprint on DoD networks
- Spearheaded MOBILITY GUARDIAN 21; directed 22 persnl--enabled AMC's first Wet Wing Defuel/Hot pit F16 Ops

- Spt'd AFCENT's sole AVGAS hub; verified ABFDS vent connections for 3 msns--aided AOR's UAV ISR ops
- Sq lead in ann DLA/96 TW Worst Case Fuel Spill exer; 15 components eval'd--mastered 1st response duties
- Sq mini gym manager; procured 1.8K lbs of equipment--increased fitness opportunities for 300+ LRS members
- Sq's sole IAO; process'd 373 Enterprise Svc Desk help tickets--ensured uninterrupted network access for 350

- Steered 3 $28M+/MILCON projs; jumpstarted commissioning of JSF facility--key to F-35 trng ops sustainment
- Steered 3 $28M+/MILCON projs; key to modernization of fuels ops sys's--led way for startup of F-35 trng ops
- Steered fuel spt for Ex TOMAHAWK FURY; 4K gals issued to 34 msns--10 USA aviators prepped for combat
- Steered safe delivery of 8M gals of fuel; 800 bldgs/1.9K vehs/7K acft supported--8.3K TW sorties generated

- Stood up F-35/F-18 hot fueling prgm; crafted jt svc trng plan/procedures--established acft quick-turn capability
- Streamlined 5 Lvl UGT program; qualified 13 prsnl/17 core tasks--increased 2F operator pool by 26%
- Streamlined Lab/FMD processes, saved est 96hrs annually in input time--raised efficiency of assign personnel
- Streamlined/reduced daily checkpoint process 25%; ID'd/fixed ten checklist items--saved 112 man hrs monthly

- Successfully piloted two CTK merger worth $10.5K; meticulous oversight on 262 tools--100% accountability
- Superb oversight; managed JBER org fuel tk prgm; trained 28 tank custodian/resolved 87 sfty & env violations
- Superb performer; issued 118K gals JP-8 to 64 acft w/ 14 min response--zero 3 WG/transient mission delays
- Superior manager; managed 53 warriors/six multi service/NATO units/>1.3M gal JAA issued--19 exercises executed

- Superior performer-integral to the delivery of over 12M gallons JP-8 aviation fuel to 110K a/c annually
- Superior Team Eglin fuel spt; overseer of $69.1M infrastructure--key to '12 CINC Installation Excellence Awd
- Supervisd 4-25 Brigade re-deployment; 60K gals JP-8 iss/3.5K pers reconstituted--Afghan return huge success
- Supervised 8 Amn; orchestrated >350 acft/CFT mx actions--facilitated Wg's 28K hrs flown & flt's 92% QA pass rate

- Supervised cryogenic ops; issued 47K gals of LOX/LIN--helped generate 6K trng sorties/readied warfighters
- Supervised safe issue of 4.2M gals JP-8/+100 to 1.1K 3 WG/176 ANG/AMC/transient acft--no mishaps/delays
- Supported daily replenishment of F-76 fuel to special purpose vehicle fleet--guaranteed mission readiness
- Sustained 3 Wg mission; orchestrated night shift refuel support; pushed 3.4M gals JP-8--launched 2K sorties

- Sustained 509 CES snow removal; fueled 20K gals diesel/315 servicings--cleared 1.7M sq yds airfield/34 miles of road
- Sustained alternate receipt capability; led 1.6K tank truck ops--enhanced cmbt posture of DoD's busiest DFSP
- Sustained high performer; drove 738 TFI refuels/issued 1.1M gals jet fuel--crucial to flt's '18 AFGSC's API Trophy win
- Synchronized POTUS refueling spt ops; guaranteed safe delivery of 10K gals of JP-8--praised by acft cmdr

- Tackled deployed phase ops; executed 130 fuels inspections w/HPO cycle--keyed 10K OIR hrs/guarded 80K refugees
- Tackled elusive quantity flux; ID'd/replaced shorted harness--poised F-15E for TIC msn/2 tanks destroyed/100 EKIA
- Tackled surge suppression install to 3 SSTA's; reduced lightning strike damage--$10K saved in service calls
- Teamed w/DLA/USACE; certified $1M storage tank upgrade/API 653 insp--eliminated potential FDEP fines

- Teamed w/USACoE on $18M POL MILCON proj; devised fueling commissioning plan--critical for F-35 spt
- Third Country National escort; processed/transported >43K TCNs--safeguarded 32 sites valued over $18.3M
- Thirst for knowledge; finished Comm Skills/Decision Making/Supervisor Role CBTs--honed leadership skills
- Tm'd w/SM on 3 UHF antenna fixes; finished cell rollbacks in 8 hrs/4 hrs < ETICs--keyed 336th 75% MC rate, FY18

- Top-notch! Supervised 11 Amn w/safe delivery 12M gals JP-8 to 4K acft/18 min avg response--zero mishaps
- Tracked 37 UTC/159 ULN mobility positions; provided CC current deployable status--enabled GWOT support
- Trained 7 Amn 5-lvl UGT; 49 hrs CDC review/280 hrs OJT/98 core tasks completed--increased msn cap 15%
- Trained seven mbrs storage ops; covered gauging/receipts/transfer procedures--ensured smooth AEF transfer

- Transfered X.XM gals in JP-8 , vital during wing surge/XXK gals XX sorties--supt 300% demand increase
- Trn'd 4 psnl on fuel/oil heat exchanger change; beat 24 hr job std by 8 hrs--incr'd shop quals by 10%/keyed QVI pass
- Troubleshot 5 hot fuel PRDs; ID'd/replaced faulty recirculation switches--faciliated wg's 13.7K sorties/28K hrs flown
- Troubleshot aerial refueling anomaly; isolated/R2'd faulty signal amp--saved 18 mx hrs/$52K in higher assembly costs

- Troubleshot chronic engine bay fuel leak; ID'd worn seal/repaired <1 hr--acft met RMP mod sched'd start w/no delays

- Ushered $13M alcohol-to-jet fuel initiative; 1st test acft flown on product--advanced SECAF alt energy vision
- Ushered POL C2 during HQ '11 ORI; secured Wg's "Excellent" rating--cultivated Flt "Outstanding Team" Awd

- Validated 171 self-insp items; key to Sq "Outstanding" rating '12 AFMC LCAP insp--applauded "First in cmd"
- Validated long range capabilities; drove 213 external tank/89 pylon inspections--keyed 4 FW's 13K msns/28K flt-hrs
- Valued FSC team mbr; processed 11.7M gal JP-8/ground fuel product transactions--100% error free acct cited
- Vital CDF member; hand selected for Marshaller team--essential to 890K tons of cargo processed/transported

- Vital mbr Ex Talisman Saber '13; US/AUS joint-ops/5 C-17's w/450pax/70K gal--improved combat readiness
- Vital to ACC FY11 LCAP success; issu'd 344K gals/64 sorties--LRS/MSG earned "Excellent" rating...promote
- Vol'd 14 hrs at wg's Top III Airman's Attic; collected/organized donations--increased QoL of 2.5K jr enl mbrs

- Wg confined space ex key mbr; taught extraction procedures to 4 agencies--met annual rqmts for 73 first responders
- Wg VAO; provided all levels of voting information to wg's 10K mbr populace--ensured all had tools to vote
- Wielded $13M storage contract; directed 52 PWS compliance insps--zero findings on two '12 HQ DLA audits


- Dispensed 58K gals JP8 to 65 Op UNIFIED PROTECTOR A/C--refueled 1st Jordanian RAF NATO cbt msns
- Executed POL spt during 2 wg sortie surges; issued 100K gals JP8--key to sq winning '11 "Best LRS in Cmd"
- Proven performer; issued 332K gals JP8 to 284 A/C in spt of 9K sorties/21K FHP--met demand of 3 COCOMs
- Aided integration of 7 WRM R11s for Op ODYSSEY DAWN; refuel fleet raised 70%--fueled 1.4K cbt sorties
- TMDE monitor for $18K acct; facilitated calibration of 83 gauges--ensured 100% accuracy of $45M fuel sales
- Delivered 5K gals DL2 to wg's power/heat org tanks--cemented uninterupted energy supply to 10 base agencies
- Enforced strict adherence of safety/technical guidance--garnered 100% pass rate on 11 sq QA no-notice evals
- Flt ADPM; tracked/trained 75 mbrs fltline/restricted area driving/12K miles safely traveled--0 CMA incidents
- Filled C-shift Distro supervisor role; 71K gals JP8 issued to 78 a/c--vital to '11 "Best LRS in Cmd"; promote!
- Expedited night shift hotpits during 4-day surge; 424K gals JP8 issued to 221 a/c--spt lauded by AMXS Chief
- Mstr'd expdt'r duties; oversaw issue of 104K gals JP8/18 AMC a/c; 3 yr single day high--100% on-time depart
- Led 23 mbrs as B-Shift NCOIC; directed C2 of night-time fuel ops; 3M gals JP8 issued/1.6K a/c--zero delays
- Flawlessly issued 286K gals JP8 to 221 A/C; supported wg's 10K FHP/9K sorties--led to zero A/C fuel delays
- Executed 88 hotpit ops/101K gals JP8 issued; cut sortie turn time 45 min--incited wg 96% hotpit utilization rate
- Facilitated issue of 106K gls JP8 w/ < 5 min response; 100% on-time for '10 LNNSI--wg rated "Msn Ready"
- Spt'd 277 AMC msn a/c; 25K pax moved ISO CENTCOM theater ops--sustained 100% on-time departure rate
- Oversaw hydrant hot pits during wg surge; 515K gls JP8 issued/391 sorties flown--300% ops tempo increase
- Issued 384K gls JP8 to six F15s ISO IRON FALCON exercise--selected 380 AEW Amn of the Mo for Apr '10
- Flawless on 10 no-notice proficiency evals; vital to element's "Excellent" rating during LRS QA 180-day eval
- Replenished 32 generators; 3K gals diesel--uninterrupted electric supply for 1.15K Tranit Center personnel
- Crucial to night ops tempo during USSTRATCOM ORE; issued 62K gals JP8--ensured OIF/OEF msn success
- Key asset to NATO cross servicing exercise, 51K gals JP-8 issued to 5 allied nations--validated combat ops
- Facilitated 1K hot refueling ops, cut sortie turn time 43%--sq earned '09 USAFE Logistics Effectiveness Awd
- Issued 148K gals of JP8 to 178 Aviano/transient a/c in spt of OIF/OEF/31 FW msn--12K a/c sorties launched
- Flawless processed accounting source documents 200+ fuels transactions--0 findings during DLA-Energy audit


- Guarded wg's fuel integrity; executed 1.3K analysis/123 samples--1.4M gl inv/11M gl thru-put 100% on-spec
- Fortified wg's Surety op; analyzed 39K gls fuel for 182 vehicles/NSAV A/C--key to 0 findings on AF's #1 msn
- Managed Caution Tag program; secured 43 hazardous equipment--protected 2 Sqs/52 F-16s/520 wg personnel
- Oversaw lab's precision analysis equip; $19K acct 100% accurate--secured safety of 7K sorties/10K flying hrs
- Directed sampling/analysis on 17 R11s/5 bulk storage tanks--ensured fuel quality for wg's 21K FHP/9K sorties
- Responded for F16 mishap; isolated fuel sys/submitted samples to AF lab analysis--accelerated pilot recovery
- Graduated Fuels Quality Control crs w/ 97% avg; awd'd special experience 039--scheduled to fill AEF tasker
- Appointed flt HWAP monitor; removed/disposed of 2K lbs HAZMAT--100% compliant w/ host nation laws
- Directed sampling/analysis on 17 R11s/5 bulk storage tanks--ensured fuel quality for wg's 21K FHP/9K sorties
- Led QC of 1.2M gal/$3M fuel inventory, 17M gals clean/dry JP-8 issued--validated on-spec IAW AF standard
- Completed Laboratory 039 SEI refresher trng, recertified on 20 lab tasks--filled msn essential mobility UTC


- Executed C2 fltline fuel ops; directed issue of 8M gals JP8 to 8K A/C--enabled wg's 10K FHP w/ 0 fuel delays
- Monitored ground fuel line of acctng data; 1.4K fuel keys encoded--provided auditable data trail on $1.2M fuel
- Scrutinized ground fuel Line of Acctounting data; 2.7K fuel keys encoded--221K gals fuels accurately billed
- Managed $265K LMR acct; tracked 49 radios/2 base stations--sustained fltline communications for 7K sorties
- Managed/inventoried 49 radios/2 base stations; LMR acct valued at $265K--maintained fltline communications
- Processed 38K transactions to enterprise server; 6 ledgers/$42M acct 100% accurate--flawless EOY closeout
- Launched 43 random anti-terrorism measures; safeguarded $13M assets/4 seperated areas--0 security incidents
- Launched 204 AT/FP actions; safeguarded $13M assets/4 geographical separated areas--FPCONs strengthened
- Trained 5 controllers on Fuels Manager Defense prgm--increased Fuels Service Center flexibility for 24/7 ops
- Lead fuels controller during 2 wg sortie surges; 860K gals JP8 delivered to 674 A/C--powered 810 flying hrs
- Directed fuel delivery for 260 AMC msns; 104K pax provided for CENTCOM ops--100% on-time departure
- Initiated emergency response actions for '12 IG eval; exhibited flt C2 capability--aided wg's "Excellent" rating
- Processed 41K fuel transactions; 6 ledgers/$43M acct 100% reconciled--allotted $54M in DoD reimbursement
- BLSA Admin for 30+ accts; verified user authization/managed $60K DESC equip--info input vital to fuels ops
- Manually input 150 Base orgs refuels to FMD accounting ledge; accurately posted 3+K gals ground product
- Inspected 750+ a/c transactions; reviewed 60+ consolidated worksheets/1898s; corrected 20 paperwork errors
- Designed/guided self help FSC; secured SIPR room/resources valued $80K--enabled controllers 100% focus
- Maintained oversight of $43M acct, verified accuracy of 45K transactions--zero findings on DLA-Energy audit
- Directed Fuels Svc Ctr through '10 UCI, 23 line items evaled/zero findings--essential to wg's Compliant rating


- Oversaw $400K cryo facility; svc'd 95 carts/9K gals product to wg/transient A/C--zero physiological mishaps
- Conducted 2 emergency cryo svcings; issued 95 gals LOX--averted msn launch delays/sustained 24/7 fltline spt
- Deployed 10 cryo tanks for Bulgaria/Zaragoza FTDs; 4K gals issued--enabled 770 multi-national trng sorties
- Rectified wg's bowser reclamation process! Recycled 6K gals JP-8--$21.7K credited to using org's accounts
- Controlled wg's bowser reclamation process; analyzed 27 bowsers/6K gals JP8--$21.7K credited to base orgs
- Mng'd emergency cryo srv'gs; 6 carts/200 gals LOX issued; verified 99.5% O2 purity--mitigated msn stoppage
- Issued/sampled 10K gls liquid oxygen to 89 servicing carts; provided 99.8% breathable oxygen to F-16 pilots
- Purged/vacuumed aging 2K/400 gl cryotainers; 90 hr process--repelled loss of cryogenic pdt/extended tank life
- On site coordinator for order/weight/receipt of $6.7K cryogenic pdt; foresight vital to 2K+ sorties and 8 WTDs
- Upgrad'd $367K cryo facility; installed two 3K gl tanks--doubled storage capacity/redux product loss by 30%
- Operated wg's sole hydrant fuel system; enabled 59 hotpit refuel ops/79k gals JP8--cut sortie generation 43 min
- Maintained wg's sole hydrant sys during 2 wg surges; 358 hotpit ops/868K gals JP8--reduced turn-time by 45%
- Exercised JP8 alt-receipt capability; received 9K gals w/ 0 DLA QA findings--wg contingency resupply tested
- Prepped nine cryotainers for two WTDs; provided support to 32 F16s/3.6K gals product--761 msns generated
- Assumed NCOIC role during supervisor absence; led two shifts/four personnel--sustained 750 F16 hotpit ops
- Trained 20 first responders; certified mbrs on Type IV hydrant sys shutdown ops--safeguarded $13M fuel sys
- Assisted AMU on reclaimed fuel disposition; recouped wg $1K--awd sq Top IV "Performer of Mo", Apr '12
- Teamed w/ CE on fuel sys failure; repaired faulty back pressure valve--restored ops w/ in 2 hrs/zero delays
- Supervised 60-pt daily hydrant inspection; sustained 90% MC rate--supported 6K A/C sorties/8.1K flying hrs
- Flawlessly issued 1K gals cryogenics for '12 CUI; aided sq 88.5% LCAP score--key to wg's "Excellent" rating
- Night shift supervisor; monitored wg fuel levels/issued most gals--awd'd "Pumper of the Mo" Mar/Apr '12; promote now
- Supervised transfer 10M+ gls JP8; provided vital fuel ops during OOD/OUP--3.9M gls/954 combat sorties
- Expertly performed 20-point cryotainer inspection; maitained six WRM tanks w/ 92% in service rate--promote


- Performed 9 hydrostatic hose tests; enabled wg 100% Hot Refuel capability--pushed 1.5M gals JP8 to 4 surges
- Initiated tool inventory inspections; accounted for 111 pieces--prevented $192K loss in mission essential items
- Established corrosion control program; powered 3 FTDs/240 pilot trng sorties--awarded Amn of the Quarter
- HAZ waste control monitor; completed 2 courses--enabled safe disposal of 330 gals of hazardous chemicals
- Oversaw Foreign Object Damage program; inspected 800 refueler bolts--safeguarded $2.2B in aviation assets
- VCO for $3.4M/23 vehicle fleet; 1.5K mx man-hrs--key sortie generation assets 96% MC/exceeded MEL 52%
- Completed mx actions for 16 R-11/3 C-301 refuelers valued at $2.3 M--secured outstanding 92% vehicle ICR


- Certified on 58 5-level core tasks in 14 wks; technically sound/msn ready--ensured timely NATO/OCO ops spt
- Led 32 dynamic PT sessions; motivated 378 sq mbrs to increase fitness level--drove unit's 92% eval pass rate
- Tackled 5-level upgrade training; qualified on 55 duty tasks--100% task certified in 24 weeks...26 weeks early
- Aced Principles of Supervision crs; earned 3 credit hrs toward Logistics Mgmt CCAF degree--stellar 3.5 GPA
- Tackled 3 University of Maryland crs's; earned 9 credits toward CCAF Logistics Mgmt degree--solid 3.8 GPA
- Aced AF Fuels QC crs; expertise utilized during Zaragoza WTD--fuel 100% on-spec for 240 joint trng sorties
- Completed 5-level upgrade trng 38 weeks early; 100% certified on 58 core tasks--scored 83% on EOC exam
- Attended 27 day fuels laboratory school; completed course with a 97% average--awarded class honor graduate
- Aced Principles of Supervision crs; earned 3 credit hrs toward Logistics Mgmt CCAF degree--stellar 3.5 GPA
- Tackled 5-level upgrade trng; qualified on 58 core tasks in 16 wks/4 mo early--trained for critical UTC tasking

Star Line

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